Pump Testing Methodologies
Our Product Solution
A test platform devoted to thoroughly capturing and understanding the failure modes of mechanical oil pumps ensures the dependability your customers value most.
Whether developing a new hydraulic pump design that has to closely match predefined specifications, or verifying the functionality of a production unit, an accurate and reliable test system is needed to confirm the functional parameters of those pumps. No matter if you are dealing with fixed or variable displacement pumps, or having to test in conformance with specific SAE or ISO standards, or custom OEM specifications, ATA engineers can help you by delivering the right tool for your needs.
ATA can provide customized test solutions for the following kinds of pumps:
engine oil pump
engine water pump
automatic transmission oil pump
power steering pump
brake vacuum pump
air injection pump
ABS pump
supercharger compressor
rotary gear pump
external gear
internal gear (Gerotor)
internal gear with crescent
rotary vane pump
centrifugal impeller pump
lobe pump
piston pump
ATA Design Process
Whether you are seeking specific testing expertise for a new product, or looking for additional test capacity, we are ready to support you.
ATA Lab™ consists of our latest systems, standards and technology. Leading test methods include aeration testing and durability & performance testing strategies.
Click here to learn more.
In order to develop an optimal design for an application, or verify a production line part, ATA engineers must be able to confirm many, if not all, of the numerous pump parameters listed below:
proper pump assembly
required preconditioning
pressure & flow capacity
inlet pressure control
pressure relief valve
pressure & flow compensator
pulsed-flow behavior
pressure stability
seal leakage
maximum temperature
thermal shock
erosion resistance
aeration testing
cold testing
acoustic noise
axial & radial load
delivery characteristics
power input
volumetric efficiency
mechanical efficiency
overall pump efficiency
vibration level
contamination testing
durability & endurance
After collecting the appropriate data, analysis and interpretation of this data is needed to come up with definite and meaningful test conclusions. This can include time-domain graphing of parameters such as speed or flow rate, frequency-domain analysis of emitted noise, order analysis of pressure pulsations, and many others. Stay tuned for further case studies showcasing some of the work ATA has done with leading companies in the pump industry, in helping them gather vital test data.
A test platform devoted to thoroughly capturing and understanding the failure modes of mechanical oil pumps ensures the dependability your customers value most.
Learn more about our mechanical oil pump test system.